Clubs, Societies & Groups

Here is a brief description of the societies currently active in the village.


SlindonLife is a constituted village group  with an eclectic mix of activities – all which have three characteristics in common:

– they are activities that are wanted and needed – and which improve the quality of life in our special community;
– they are activities that don’t fall naturally to any other community group or Parish Council; and
– to one degree or another they involve co-ordination and collaboration with other groups.

As ever, our main role is to identify needs and wants – and make things happen.  We also aim to make it easier for the various village groups to co-ordinate the huge variety of village activities to avoid diary clashes.

SlindonLife run the very effective ‘round robin’ email system which is so successful in keeping everyone informed about what is going on – covering everything from village events and lost pets to important things like the A27 consultation process and road works, etc.  It’s a resource that is available to all groups to use to publicise their activities and, if you are not on the list, please contact Moira Richards – 814735.

The village web site falls within our remit as well.

Regular events include the follows:

– In collaboration with the Coronation Hall Committee, we organise the series of films in the Hall – Flix in the Stix; basically one a month during the darker months of the year, with all of the income going to the Coronation Hall.

– On a very practical front, we usually organise an annual ‘Litter Pick’ with the aim of keeping our lovely village as free as possible from the scourge of litter.  Another such pick is planned for the New Year.

– Very differently, usually hold a wonderful Summer Party – the last few have been up on the Downs by the Folly.

In the latter part of August, we usually organise swimming at Slindon College and that is very popular.  Payments by the swimmers plus a donation covers the cost of the Life Guard.

One thing we hoped to do was to tackle the issue of parking and traffic, which is a continued matter of community concern and, in collaboration with the Parish Council, we hope to take practical and positive steps to improve the situation IF WE CAN.  But the short answer is ‘it’s complicated’ but we believe there are some things we can do, such as Community Speed Watch, but getting ‘official’ input is proving challenging.  It’s not been forgotten but we haven’t made as much progress as we’d like.  Updates will appear in the Parish Magazine, and on this website.

Chairman:  Mike Imms – Tel:  814777
Secretary:  Moira Richards – Tel:  814735
Treasurer:  Judith Lewis

Please contact Moira to be added to the SlindonLife Round Robin email system.

Current members:

Kate Boulton
Madeleine Crawley
Paivi I’Anson
Peter Lewis
Steve Shepperd
Lisa Trownson (National Trust Area Ranger)
Margaret Winn

These committee members were agreed at the 2017 AGM.

Slindon Allotment Society

Since 2010, the allotments have been worked and planted, harvested and re-sown.  Situated in the heart of the village on a piece of land rented from the National Trust, the hard working allotmenteers are maintaining the space and producing plenty of fresh and organic fruit and veg. At present all of the allotments are taken, but the Society is always keen to hear from people interested in taking an allotment, and they keep a ‘waiting list’ – which is not TOO long.

Society secretary is Mary Ayling.  Tel: 814619.

Slindon, Eartham and Madehurst Horticultural Society

PLEASE NOTE – the programme of Society garden visits etc is subject to cancellation in the light of the Coronavirus situation. Members will receive updates from Sarah Nichol, Secretary to the Society.

The Society, established in 1995, serves primarily the three villages – Slindon, Eartham and Madehurst – and promotes interest and education in horticulture and the countryside.  This is achieved through a programme of monthly meetings.  During Winter months, this involves invited speakers or events.  In Spring and Summer, outings are made to a range of significant gardens in south-east England.

The patron of the society was the famous garden designer and writer, John Brookes MBE, of Denman’s Gardens, who sadly died earlier in 2018.  In 2020, the society was delighted to welcome Gwendolyn van Paasschen, former pupil of John Brookes and now the Principal of Denman’s Gardens, as the new patron. The society is run by an elected Committee and issues a Quarterly Newsletter to its members.  New members are most welcome.  The current annual fee is £10.

Details of the Society’s meetings, outings and events are listed in the Newsletter, the Village Diary of Events in the Parish Magazine, and the individual report from the Society that appears in each monthly issue of the Parish Magazine.

Chairman is Niki Adamson – Tel:  814222.

The Afternoon Group

The Afternoon Group meets at 2.30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month.  We welcome both men and women to our meetings.  A speaker, conversation, games and a chance to recharge friendships plus a really great afternoon tea!  It takes place in various homes within the village.

Details of the Group meetings appear in the Parish Magazine.

Contacts:  Jan Diamond – Tel:  814560; and Mary Moor – Tel:  814227.

Slindon History Group

The History Group is an informal group of individuals interested in the history of the village and its families.  It holds photographic and many other records and items of historical interest, many of which were shown at the first very successful History Open Day in March 2006.  The Open Day generated tremendous interest from both present and past families, with much material and many documents being consequently produced.  Many photographs and documents are available for viewing by arrangement.  Further Open Days are to be mounted in the future and will be widely publicised.  The Group remains anxious to secure a permanent home for its scattered archives so that a comprehensive inventory can be made and enabling appropriate public access and display.

Further information:  Robin Upton – Tel:  814694.

Slindon Music Circle

The Music Circle is an informal group of residents who meet in various members’ houses on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) to listen to and discuss largely classical music CDs and DVDs from 8pm to 10pm.  It was founded in February 1981 and has currently enjoyed over 360 meetings.

Each piece is written into a set of black books, alphabetically by composer.  We try to include new composers and new pieces in each programme, among well known works.  Attendance is completely free.  Coffee and biscuits are served at half-time, except near Christmas when wine and mince pies are permitted!

Contact:  Colin Loveless – Tel:  814356

Slindon Pudding Club

The Slindon Pudding Club was formed in 1972.  Its two principal purposes are to support (where possible and appropriate):

– any member of the community who is in need; and
– any village initiatives that seek to add to the quality of village life.

To fund our endeavours, we run an annual programme of social events.  These include the Bi-annual Auction at the Spur, the Scarecrow Competition, the Countryside Quiz and a cycle of other social occasions.  The Club is made up of twelve members of the village.

Typical areas of support have included:

– specific development projects in the two schools;
– a hearing loop system in St Mary’s Church;
– play and safety features for the sports field and children’s play areas;
– the Millennium Village Cricket sign;
– a number of benches and commemorative trees;
– sponsoring young members of the community providing service;
– sponsoring ‘A Resident’s Quick Guide to Slindon’; and
– transport to village events for those who find it difficult to make their own way there.

Current officers are:

Martin Moss (Chairman) – Tel:  814503
Nigel Dutton (Treasurer – Tel:  814286
Kevin Murphy (Secretary) – Tel: 814644

To find out more about the Pudding Club click here for a link to their website

Details of the Pudding Club programme of fundraising social events appear in the Parish Magazine, and on on ‘Whats On’ pages of this website – as well as on their own website.

Association of Slindon Sports Clubs

Formed in 1990, this is an Association comprising the three Slindon Sports Clubs:  Cricket, Football and Stoolball.

It was agreed with the Parish Council to lease the Recreation Ground and Pavilion in Mill Road.  The Pavilion was then rebuilt and the Association has since maintained the building and grounds using voluntary labour and by raising funds at events such as Bank Holiday Fetes, Race Nights, Quiz Nights, etc.

The Pavilion and grounds are also available for hire (sporting events permitting).  This is popular for children’s parties, band practice, cycle clubs and other sporting occasions.  The Sports Wall gives practice for younger sports enthusiasts.


Contact:  Jazz Kimbell – Tel:  07880 774095

For those who are not familiar with it, Stoolball is an old Sussex game from which both the English game of Rounders and the American game of Baseball are believed to have been derived.

Rotary Club

Finally, if you are interested in the Rotary Club, the nearest branch is in Arundel.
