Elected Representatives

Slindon Parish Council was formed in 1894 by the Local Government Act of that year (as were all other parish councils in villages of over 200 inhabitants).  It comprises up to nine Councillors, who are newly elected every four years.

The Council meets in public  on the second Monday evening of most months. Click here for the dates of forthcoming meetings.

It has a statutory responsibility to organise an Annual Parish Meeting, which usually takes place in March or early April.  This is always well attended, with the National Trust, our County and District Councillors and, occasionally, other guests (such as our MP) as speakers.  The meeting is open to public questions.

The Council raises a modest sum by way of a Parish precept (a small element of Council Tax) with which it maintains some public facilities such as street lighting, children’s playgrounds, sports fields, notice boards and other facilities.  It liaises at County and District levels to represent the interests of Slindon regarding speed control, road and verge maintenance, etc, and collaborates with Sussex Police concerning fly-tipping, vandalism, graffiti, larceny and other social issues.

The Council has a statutory right to comment on Planning Applications in the Parish, and its Planning Committee calls public meetings to gauge local opinion on any application likely to be of wide public concern.  Current Councillors’ names and telephone numbers are published on the Parish Council’s website.

A History of Slindon Parish Council 1894 to 1984 was published by Bernard Keeling in 1984.  This document is now rare and valued by the Parish Council; The document  has now been archived with West Sussex Records Office. For details of their Slindon archive go to  https://www.sussexrecordsociety.org/dbs/biblio/places/S/Slindon/

The Parish Council website lists all the Members of Slindon Parish Council and the Clerk, including contact details, plus dates and details of meetings, news etc.

Link: www.slindonparishcouncil.gov.uk

The District Councillor (Arun) who attends our Parish Council meetings is Stephen McAuliffe (Green Party)
Email : Cllr.Stephen.McAuliffe@arun.gov.uk

County Councillor is Trevor Bence
Link:  trevor.bence@westsussex.gov.uk

South Downs National Park representative is Councillor Isabel Thurston
As well as being a Member of the SDNPA she is an Arun District Councillor (Green Party)
Telephone:  01243 551808
Mobile:  07410 441589
Email:  isobel.thurston@southdowns.gov.uk
Or  cllr.isabel.thurston@arun.gov.uk

Member of Parliament (since December 2019) is Andrew Griffith (Conservative)
Telephone: 020 7 219 3000
Email: andrew.griffith.mp.parliament.uk