As the year progresses, the Government plans to ease the lockdown. Children returned to school on the 8th March and from the 29th outdoor gatherings, including in private gardens, are permitted, but only for a maximum of six people. Also from that date outdoor sports are allowed and open air swimming pools can open. However, we still won’t be allowed to travel abroad, and we are advised to work from home still, where possible.
From 12th April, non-essential retail outlets will open, as will hairdressers and nail salons. Libraries, community centres and most outdoor attractions are permitted to open. Campsites and holiday lets (where indoor facilities are not shared) can also open. The hospitality industry, which has suffered so much over the last year, will be able to open, but only to serve customers outdoors, via table service. Funeral services will be able to accommodate up to 30 mourners and weddings may be celebrated with up to 15 guests.
Restrictions ease further on the 17th May, when meeting others outdoors will be allowed – up to 30 people only. Indoor hospitality, cinemas, theatres will open, but again with restrictions on numbers. And up to 30 wedding guests will be able to celebrate the happy occasion.
When the 21st June arrives, the Government hopes to be in a position to remove ALL legal limits on social contact.
For details information on the road to ‘normality’ consult the website.
How we celebrated in 2020
Between lockdowns in June, we invited people to take a walk around Slindon and see 33 different entries to the Slindon Scarecrow competition. Floral displays on gates and front doors added to the fun.
Here is a map giving the approximate locations of the scarecrows.
Below is a link which enables you to see the head shots of the scarecrows which is freely accessible without having an existing Instagram/Facebook account. Click here to link to the Instagram page
Just so everyone is aware – if you would like to see a bigger picture of each scarecrow, you will only be able to do so if you have an existing Instagram/Facebook account or choose to open an Instagram/Facebook (free) account.
Some more photos of the VE Day 75th ‘Front Garden tea parties’ on Friday 8 May 2020.
We had great plans for village commemoration of the VE Day 75th Anniversay on Friday 8 May – and although that couldn’t happen the ‘front garden tea parties’ (complete with decorations and dressing up) was a great success. Here are some photos – and there is a second post with yet more photos.
Without doubt these are unprecedented times and we are ‘living through history’ – a time we might perhaps mark and record, for us all to have for the future.
We have in mind two slightly different but complementary initiatives – either or both of which you may like to contribute to, in your own ways.
‘Created in Strange Times’
Art, craft and making things in our community during the Covid-19 Pandemic
All the while we are all confined to home we know many of you are using the time creatively in different ways – producing art, making crafts and making/repairing things.
We would like to celebrate everyone’s creativity by holding an exhibition of work once the crisis is passed.
It doesn’t matter how you chose to express your creativity, or what your subject matter is, there will be a place for your work.
Examples we have heard about include the following;
Your work might reflect living through the pandemic – or it may be inspired by anything else, or simply done because at the moment you have the time!
We haven’t yet set a date for the Exhibition – we simply don’t know when it might be possible to stage it, but we expect it to involve the Coronation Hall and St Mary’s Church as Exhibition venues. (Maybe Downes Barn as well).
Acknowledgement – this idea was triggered by Joe Cornicks photographic project ‘Looking Out’. We thought that was a great idea, and from that the broader idea of “Created in Strange Times’ emerged. So thank you Joe.
A chronical of Slindon Village during the Covid-19 pandemic
In addition, it would be perhaps be valuable to keep a record of village life during the pandemic – a chronical and/or ‘scrapbook’ of all that goes on.
The work to record the Covid-19 pandemic can still be creative – painting, writing, poetry, photos etc – but all inspired by/reflecting the pandemic itself. (ie much more targeted in its subject matter).
Diaries or journals – maybe illustrated – are particularly sought, along with copies of leaflets, photos of signs, activities etc etc – indeed anything that captures ways in which life in our community is different and distinctive during the pandemic.
It could include ‘journalism’, collecting materials, ‘recording’ what goes on. For example, the parish mags, leaflets from the council, images of the closed off car-parks, signage, the absence of traffic and aircraft vapour trails, initiatives such as the Easter door decorations, VE Day tea parties in front gardens etc etc.
But those are just examples – include anything that strikes you as different and distinctive about life in the village during the pandemic.
Again, hold on to this material and we will give more information about collating and keeping it in future magazines.
Please contact Mike Imms if you have any questions or suggestions. 814777.
Please contact Mike Imms if you have any questions or suggestions. 814777.
Marking VE Day under lockdown Friday 8 May, 2020
As you will probably know we had great plans for street parties, dancing, walks, exhibitions, toasts and commemorations to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, on Friday 8 May (and the ensuing weekend).
None of this was possible under lock down.
Some of the VE day celebrations that were possible within the guidelines and advertised by the government included:
11am – 2 minute Silence for a moment of Reflection and Remembrance
9pm – A televised addressed by the Queen and after that we stood outside our houses and raised a glass to the Queen and thanked all those heroes of WW11.
In addition, the Slindon Covid19 Team suggested one activity which was more sociable for our village but still within social distancing guidelines……
We took a walk between 3pm and 4pm, walking CLOCKWISE round the village, greeting those villagers who put up decorations, bunting and took afternoon tea in their front gardens.
Our local pharmacist is offering delivery for prescriptions during the pandemic:
Five Villages Pharmacy, 49 Barnham Road, Barnham,
01243 554061 (Nick)
They also deal with electronic prescriptions.
(People can request prescriptions over the phone but we do not pick up patient repeat request forms.)
Website processing of repeat prescriptions
You can order repeat prescriptions on line.
For information on the above, click here to link to NHS information –
We can arrange to take your repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy and collect medication for you
Our community network of volunteers is able to help with repeat presciptions – taking repeat prescription forms to your pharmacy and/or collecting prescriptions for you. Call Nancy Brinton to arrange this – 814693.
One of the challenges in shopping for the vulnerable – neighbours, friends or family – is paying for things.
A number of supermarkets have introduced ‘gift’ or payment cards that can be used by volunteers shopping on behalf of others, and there are other options as well.
Message from Carolyn Coles, Sunnybox Lane, Slindon
Can you help with making scrubs bags for nurses and carers? All is explained below:
A very big thank you to all the sewing machinists in Slindon and beyond who have to date made 250 cotton bags into which nurses and carers can deposit used scrubs before going to the laundry. (In fact carers working in the community use the bags to take their scrubs home to be washed.)
For those who are still keen and able we would love more scrub bags please as the demand continues to be high, especially in community care homes and hospices.
The draw string bags need to be made of cotton or polyester/cotton to withstand 60 degree washing temperatures. The finished size is 14″ width x 17″ length but do add 2″inches to the length when cutting the fabric to make a folded seam at the top into which cord can be inserted.
I have been donated several bags of duvet covers and pillow cases for converting into bags so if you have run out of material or would like material to join in this effort I can deliver to your door – call me Carolyn Coles on 814608. Once finished please phone for collection or leave on Mary Moor’s doorstep in School Hill, telephone 814227.
If you are not able to sew but can supply suitable fabric it would be very welcome
So far the response has been amazing and sadly the demand is still strong. Keep well everyone.
Slindon is an amazingly supportive place – and so it is proving during the pandemic.
As far as we can tell most people are thankfully coping quite well and we know lots of people are doing sterling work supporting our more vulnerable neighbours.
However, things change and here are a few points to bear in mind
REMEMBER – none of us need feel we are facing this unprecidented situation on our own. If you or your neighbours need help, just ask, and we will try our best to help.
*Please note : each pharmacy seems to have different ‘rules and regulations’ concerning things like authorisation and how far in advance they will process the forthcoming prescription. Please check what your pharmacy wants us to do!
A lovely idea to decorate front doors & gates – nice to see something cheerful and full of hope. With thanks to all who decorated their doors – and we really hope we haven’t left anyone out. We are repeating this floral celebration in 2021.