Police Emergency: 999
Police Non-Emergency: 101
Crimestoppers: 0800 555111
Police link:.sussex.police.uk
Sussex Police local team at Arun: 01273 404928 and link: arun@sussex.pnn.police.uk
District Commander: Justin Burtenshaw
Our PCSO is Caroline Wilson; caroline.wilson@sussex.pnn.police.uk and 07912 893617
Reporting crimes, etc, on-line requires keying in sussex.police.uk/
Fly Tipping and Abandoned Cars
There are several ways in which one can report fly tipping, litter, abandoned cars, etc:
This is a map-based website and app that helps people in the United Kingdom inform their local authority of problems needing their attention, such as potholes, abandoned cars, broken street lamps, etc.
Link: .sussex.police.uk
Love Clean Streets
This is similar to FixMyStreet
Link: https://lovecleanstreets.com/
West Sussex County Council has a dedicated website for reporting abandoned vehicles. The County Council, District and Borough Councils, and Sussex Police have formed Operation Crackdown for reporting and dealing with abandoned vehicles in West Sussex.
Link: https://westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/parking/report-an-abandoned-vehicle/
Graffiti in Arun is handled by the Anti-Social Behaviour Team on 0808 1412800.
Crime Prevention
We have a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator in the village, plus local co-ordinators each covering a smaller area in the village. For more information and if you are concerned about anything crime-related, please contact Niki Adamson – Tel: 814222; email: niki@soulful.eclipse.co.uk
If you want to contact the police direct because you see a theft taking place, you should call 999. If you see something you believe is suspicious, call 101 which is also the number to call when belatedly reporting a crime or suspicious incident.
In Case of Emergency (ICE)
The “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) initiative, supported by the Sussex Ambulance Service, involves the creating of an entry in your mobile phone directory giving the number of a contact person or persons who should be notified In Case of Emergency. This is entered in the directory under the title ICE so that Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would quickly be able to contact the right person just by calling that number.
For more than one contact name, simply enter “ICE1”, “ICE2”, “ICE3”, etc. The concept of ICE is catching on quickly and was first thought up by a paramedic who found that, when he went to the scene of an accident, there was generally a mobile phone with the patient but no indication of who to call to notify. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose.
In an emergency: call 999
NHS Direct: call 111
Link: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
St Richards Hospital, Chichester: 01243 788122
Arundel Cottage Hospital (no A&E): 01903 882543
Arundel Surgery: 01903 882191
Croft Surgery: 01243 543240
Nearest Pharmacies: Five Villages Pharmacy, Barnham – 01243 554061; Lloyds Pharmacy, Green Lane Close, Arundel – 01903 882261; and Croft Pharmacy, Barnham Road, Barnham, Eastergate – 01243 543853
For other local health information, click on www.westsussex.nhs.uk
Other Emergencies and Help
Fire (also covers flooding): in an emergency, call 999
Portsmouth Water: for problems with water supply, 24 hour emergency line – 023 9247 7999
Other non-emergency supply queries including leaks, water quality, etc – 023 9247 9888
Southern Water: for problems with waste water disposal – 0845 278 0845
Emergency advice: www.southernwater.co.uk
Floodline: call 0345 988 1188
Link: http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/cy/34978.aspx
Scottish and Southern Electricity (SSE): for electricity and gas emergencies – 0800 783 8866
Links: https://sse.co.uk/help/emergencies#item1 and https://sse.co.uk/help/emergency-phone-numbers#item1
Power Cuts: National Power Cut and Emergency Line – 105
British Gas: for leaks and other gas emergencies – 0800 111 999
For further advice in the event of a gas leak, see www.britishgas.co.uk/emergency-numbers.html
Home Crises: Lots of local plumbers, electricians, boiler and heating engineers, builders, house maintenance tradesmen, car mechanics, etc, advertise in the Parish Magazine. Checkatrade lists local vetted tradesmen and includes feedback and reviews from other customers – Tel: 0845 408 4866; Link: https://www.checkatrade.com/