How to get help, if you need it

Slindon is an amazingly supportive place – and so it is proving during the pandemic.

As far as we can tell most people are thankfully coping quite well and we know lots of people are doing sterling work supporting our more vulnerable neighbours.

However, things change and here are a few points to bear in mind

  • if you or your neighbours aren’t sure how to get help, we have a great network of volunteers across ALL parts of the village who are available to help in many different ways.
  • The first point of contact should be Nancy Brinton who is acting as co-ordinator for our team of volunteers. Call 814 693
  • We will help with whatever we can – some examples include;
    • Shopping
    • Delivering and/or Collecting prescriptions*
    • Dog walking
    • Just a chat!
    • etc etc

REMEMBER – none of us need feel we are facing this unprecidented situation on our own. If you or your neighbours need help, just ask, and we will try our best to help.

*Please note : each pharmacy seems to have different ‘rules and regulations’ concerning things like authorisation and how far in advance they will process the forthcoming prescription. Please check what your pharmacy wants us to do!